What Leftists Want
Fred Gielow
Posted here: November 19, 2018.

The road back home
Ever since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, the Left has wanted him removed from office. He's an embarrassment. He's an outrage. He's disgusting. He's uncouth. He's unacceptable.
Why? Because he preempted the presidency of Hillary Clinton. Because he favors conservative measures and policies. Because he won't yield to leftist wishes and leftist special interest groups. Because he fires back when fired upon. And most of all, because he is actually making America great again. Leftists can't stand it!
So, during the lead-up to the 2018 elections, leftists were united on one principal goal: the impeachment of Donald Trump. That's all they could think about. That's all they could plan about. And now that Democrats have control of the House, that's all they can talk about. If their subpoenas, investigations, and hatred harm the country, they don't care. To them, getting rid of President Trump in more important -- far more important -- than what will make the country strong, what will make the country safe, indeed, what will make the country great.
But while impeachment is at the top of the Leftists to-do list, that's not all they have in mind. I believe leftists want a lot of other things, too.
Leftists want . . .
. . . open borders.
. . . amnesty for those who have illegally entered the U.S.
. . . ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) abolished.
. . . the Second Amendment overturned.
. . . freedom of speech restricted.
. . . statues of historical figures removed.
. . . to demonize our country's founders.
. . . to legislate equal outcomes, not equal opportunity.
. . . abortion up to and including the moment of birth.
. . . the government to pay for abortions.
. . . President Trump impeached.
. . . Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh impeached.
. . . Christianity curtailed.
. . . fracking stopped.
. . . nuclear power stopped.
. . . the use of fossil fuels eliminated.
. . . the construction of pipelines stopped.
. . . support for the Muslim Brotherhood.
. . . people to be dependent on government; blacks to be totally dependent on government.
. . . the U.S. Constitution ignored.
. . . reparations for blacks.
. . . illegals to vote.
. . . to refuse to acknowledge American greatness.
. . . to enable and encourage rioters and looters.
. . . sanctuary cities and states (even though they violate federal law).
. . . a "flexible" U.S. Constitution that can be aligned with leftist wishes.
. . . leftist leaders to be able to break the law without consequences.
. . . to deny science.
. . . to allow people to choose their own genders.
. . . to lie to the American people.
. . . to give special rights to certain groups (no equal rights for all).
. . . a weakened military and police force.
. . . one-world government.
. . . unrest and conflict in America.
. . . Obamacare.
. . . disruptive demonstrations in hearings like the one for Brett Kavanaugh.
. . . redistribution of wealth.
. . . to give up the idea of innocence until proven guilty, if it serves leftist purposes.
. . . homosexuality encouraged in schools.
. . . higher taxes.
. . . to believe all accusers, except those who accuse leftists.
. . . no spending cuts for federal agencies.
. . . Common Core.
. . . to legislate by the courts (violating the Constitutional).
. . . socialized medicine.
. . . free education for all -- even those who are illegal.
. . . all guns taken from citizens.
. . . to prohibit voters from showing ID before they vote.
. . . to encourage, accept, and show appreciation for support from socialist and communist groups.
. . . to show no respect for the American flag.
. . . to hate America.
. . . to use the power of the government to oppose Republicans and conservatives.
. . . socialism.
. . . gay marriage.
. . . disrespect and disdain for old, white males.
. . . our political system to be a democracy, not a republic.
. . . to steal elections for Democrats.
. . . to remove the Electoral College.
. . . to refuse to stand with Israel.
. . . to prevent "the wall" from being built.
. . . everyone to believe global warming is happening and it's caused by man.
. . . more government control of our lives.
. . . to reject Supreme Court justices who honor the U.S. Constitution.
. . . to encourage harassment of Republicans and conservatives.
. . . intolerance of all those who disagree with leftist ideas.
. . . to believe Donald Trump colluded with Russians to win the election.
. . . to hate blacks like Clarence Thomas, Kanye West, Ben Carson, and any others who holds conservative views.
. . . to embrace the idea of anti-masculinity.
. . . the U.S. to give up its sovereignty.
. . . revolution.
This list is not exhaustive.
President Trump wants to make America great again.
Leftists do not.